How To Stand Out At Lacrosse Tournaments

How To Stand Out At Lacrosse Tournaments

My name is Amy Patton, and I’ve been a college coach for over 30 years. I’ve coached at both the DI and DIII levels, won league and national championships, and was a head coach within the US system and the pro league. I’ve had a great career, a ton of fun with coaching student-athletes and impacting their lives.

Now, I’m on the other side of things – helping student-athletes with their college process. I have a tiny group that I support, the size of the team each year. And I’m here to help you navigate your college process. I’m sure you have things running through your mind, and right now, I’m going to give you three tips about the top three things you should be thinking about the simplify your life a bit.

Have you ever wondered what a college coach is looking for in you at a lacrosse tournament?

I’m sure you have! So here are my top three things to think about for each position:

If you are an attacker:

  • Show those excellent stick skills, make us wonder if you are a righty or a lefty.
  • Have confidence in getting to the cage, create things both as a goal score and assister.
  • Always think about your movement off-ball, and re-defend very hard to the thirty.

If you are a midfielder:

  • Show us your speed and quickness through transitioning the ball.
  • Show us your speed and quickness through relentless re-defending. 
  • Be very involved on each end; show us your lacrosse IQ in action.

If you are a defender:

  • Think about mentally being more on the attack. Get off the 8-meter, get out and after those attackers.
  • Off-ball, be “low and ready” with excellent communication.
  • Once that goalie makes a save, get up and out as quickly as you can.

If you are a goalie:

  • Think about tracking that ball. Your job is to make that save, so you need to track the ball well first. 
  • Be connected with your defense before and while the ball is in your defensive end.
  • Clear the ball out of your stick as fast as you can. Connect with those defenders or middies and start the transition quickly!

Final Take Away

These are just a few things to be thinking about at your tournaments. Never waste a moment to show your on AND off-ball skills. Re-defending is NEVER overrated, and supporting your fellow teammates will always be noticed by recruiting coaches.

Lastly, now that you know what college coaches are looking for at these recruiting tournaments, your highlight video is the next piece of the recruiting puzzle. 

The footage you come back with from these tournaments is valuable, but do you know how to put your video together? Do you know what kinds of clips coaches are looking for in your video? Do you know the best length or even style of clips coaches are looking for?

Stay tuned as I’ll publish my next video, spilling the beans on exactly what college coaches are looking for in your ever-important highlight video.