Final Tip For 2024’s: If You Need Help, Let Me Guide You

Final Tip For 2024's: If You Need Help, Let ME Guide YOU

Black Friday Sale Countdown

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My name is Amy Patton, and I’ve been a college coach for over 30 years. I’ve coached at both the DI and DIII levels, won league and national championships, and was a head coach within the US system and the pro league. I’ve had a great career, a ton of fun with coaching student-athletes and impacting their lives.

Now, I’m on the other side of things – helping student-athletes with their college process. I have a tiny group that I support, the size of the team each year. And I’m here to help you navigate your college process. I’m sure you have things running through your mind, and right now, I’m going to give you three tips about the top three things you should be thinking about the simplify your life a bit.

In my last three videos, we talked about How To Stand Out At Lacrosse Tournaments, What Coaches Want From Your Highlight Video, and The Most Important Thing About Choosing Camps. Right now however, I want to give you my final tip.

This video is the last of the “Amy’s Recruiting Tips” video series. I hope you’ve learned a little something from me.

I greatly enjoy what I’m doing with my team of student-athletes. As I help my clients with their college process, my expert advice with over 30+ years of coaching experience at every level allows families and student-athletes to streamline their college process.

So as you’re moving forward, if you need help with your marketing plan, highlight videos, or what camps you should be attending, let me know!

  • I will set you up with a marketing plan in weekly segments so that you can send what I would call “relevant information” to coaches that will set you apart from the thousands of other girls in your grade.
  • I will use my 30+ years of coaching contacts to reach out to coaches for you and get you on their radar.
  • You don’t need to go through this process alone.
  • You do need someone like me on your team, someone who will focus on you as an individual as I only take a small number of clients at any one time.

Many club coaches helping with the college process have hundreds of girls they are trying to help at any one time. But my policy is only to take the equivalent of one small team in clients.

You will be my priority!

So if you’d like a FREE consultation, reach out to me as I look forward to speaking with you.